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Concentric Network New Subscriber Handbook

This Handbook is installed on your computer's hard drive so you can browse it at your leisure without connecting to the network. Use it for getting acquainted with Concentric Network Corporation, or just to sharpen your skills on Web basics. You can return to it at any time using your Web browser. Just click on the Handbook icon added when you installed your CNC Internet Access Kit.

Red BallIntroduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web

Join us on a tour of the online world. Learn the difference between the Internet and the Web. Find information about Web pages, hyperlinks, and Web sites. Get a feel for all the exciting things you can do in cyberspace. This is a great place to start if you're new to the Web! (Average Time: 10-15 minutes).

Red BallIntroduction to Concentric Network

Congratulations! You've just become a Concentric Network subscriber. Find out what great services and features are available to you by taking this quick tour. (Average Tour Length: 5 minutes).

Red BallConnecting to Concentric Network

Right now, you're reading files stored on your computer's hard drive. The real fun starts when you connect to the network and start exploring the online world. Get introduced to your browser and e-mail, or get the inside scoop on configuring your computer for the Net. (Fear Not! The CNC Internet Access Kit automatically configures your computer for you when you install it. But for the curious at heart, or if you have problems connecting, check out these settings and configurations).

Red BallTroubleShooting Gallery

Having trouble connecting to the network? Can't get your e-mail to work? Come to the Concentric Network TroubleShooting Gallery for answers to those system-stumping problems.

[Introduction to the Web / Intro to Concentric Network]

[Connecting to Concentric Network / Troubleshooting / Talk to Us / Launch Me to the Network!]

(C) 1996 Concentric Network Corporation /